Introduction Python provides several built-in functions that help perform common operations without requiring additional code. For example, functions like print(), len(), and type() are readily available in Python and can be used without importing any module. As a result, built-in functions make programming in Python more efficient and reduce the need for writing extra code. What Are Built-in Functions? Built-in functions are predefined functions that come with Python. In other words, they are part of Python’s standard library and can be used directly without importing any additional modules. For instance, sum() is a built-in function that adds numbers together, and sorted() is used to arrange items in order. Common Categories of Built-in Functions Python's built-in functions can be grouped into several categories: 1. Input/Output Functions These functions are used for displaying output or accepting input from users.For example: print() – Displays output on the screen. input() – Accepts user input as a string. name = input("Enter your name: ") print("Hello,", name) 2. Type Conversion Functions These functions convert values from one data type to another.For instance: int() – Converts a value to an integer. float() – Converts a value to a floating-point number. str() – Converts a value to a string. num = "100" print(int(num) + 50) # Output: 150 3. Mathematical Functions Python provides built-in functions for mathematical operations.For example: abs() – Returns the absolute value of a number. round() – Rounds a number to the nearest integer or specified decimal places. pow() – Computes the power of a number (pow(x, y) returns x^y). print(abs(-10)) # Output: 10 print(round(3.14159, 2)) # Output: 3.14 print(pow(2, 3)) # Output: 8 4. Sequence and Collection Functions These functions work with lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets.For example: len() – Returns the length of a sequence. min() and max() – Find the smallest and largest values. sorted() – Returns a sorted list. numbers = [4, 2, 9, 1] print(len(numbers)) # Output: 4 print(min(numbers)) # Output: 1 print(sorted(numbers)) # Output: [1, 2, 4, 9] 5. Character and String Functions These functions handle characters and strings.For instance: ord() – Returns the Unicode code of a character. chr() – Returns the character corresponding to a Unicode value. format() – Formats numbers and strings. print(ord('A')) # Output: 65 print(chr(97)) # Output: 'a' print(format(3.14159, ".2f")) # Output: 3.14 6. File Handling Functions Python provides built-in functions for working with files.For example: open() – Opens a file for reading or writing. read() – Reads the contents of a file. write() – Writes data to a file. with open("sample.txt", "w") as file: file.write("Hello, Python!") 7. Functional Programming Functions These functions support functional programming concepts.For example: map() – Applies a function to each item in an iterable. filter() – Filters elements based on a condition. zip() – Combines multiple iterables into tuples. numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4] squared = list(map(lambda x: x**2, numbers)) print(squared) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16] Advantages of Built-in Functions Firstly, they save time by eliminating the need to write common operations from scratch. Moreover, they improve code readability by providing predefined solutions for common tasks. Additionally, they are optimized for performance, making programs run faster. Finally, they reduce errors by using well-tested implementations. Example Program Using Multiple Built-in Functions # Demonstrating various built-in functions numbers = [3, 7, 1, 9, 4] print("Length of list:", len(numbers)) # Output: 5 print("Maximum value:", max(numbers)) # Output: 9 print("Sorted list:", sorted(numbers)) # Output: [1, 3, 4, 7, 9] name = input("Enter your name: ") print("Hello,", name.upper()) # Converts name to uppercase Common Interview Questions What are built-in functions in Python? Provide examples. Built-in functions are predefined functions in Python, such as len(), print(), and input(). Companies: Infosys, TCS, Accenture What is the difference between map() and filter()? map() applies a function to all elements in an iterable, while filter() selects elements based on a condition. Companies: Amazon, Cognizant, Wipro How do you check the data type of a variable in Python? Use the type() function. Companies: HCL, Capgemini, Oracle Additional Resources To deepen your understanding of Python’s built-in functions, check out these helpful resources: Official Python Documentation – Built-in Functions Conclusion In summary, Python’s built-in functions provide a powerful way to perform common tasks efficiently. By using these functions, programmers can write clean, optimized, and error-free code. Therefore, learning and mastering built-in functions will make you a more proficient Python developer.