Introduction Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code using objects and classes. It helps in structuring programs efficiently, promoting reusability, scalability, and modularity. Python supports OOP principles like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, making it an ideal choice for building real-world applications. Key OOP Concepts in Python Python’s OOP approach revolves around the following fundamental concepts: Classes and Objects Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Each of these principles ensures better code organization, easier debugging, and enhanced functionality. 1. Classes and Objects What is a Class? A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines attributes (variables) and behaviors (methods) that an object should have. class Car: def __init__(self, brand, model): self.brand = brand # Attribute self.model = model # Attribute def display(self): print(f"Car: {self.brand} {self.model}") # Creating an Object my_car = Car("Toyota", "Camry") my_car.display() What is an Object? An object is an instance of a class that has its own unique data and behavior. 🔹 Example: my_car is an object of the Car class. 2. Encapsulation Encapsulation is the bundling of data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit. It restricts direct access to object data to prevent unintended modifications. Using Private Variables class BankAccount: def __init__(self, balance): self.__balance = balance # Private variable def deposit(self, amount): self.__balance += amount def get_balance(self): return self.__balance # Creating an object account = BankAccount(1000) account.deposit(500) print(account.get_balance()) # ✅ Allowed: Access through method # print(account.__balance) ❌ Error: Cannot access private variable directly Benefits of Encapsulation ✔ Protects data from accidental modification✔ Hides implementation details from the user✔ Encourages data integrity 3. Inheritance Inheritance allows one class to derive properties and methods from another, promoting code reuse. Example of Single Inheritance